RE: Dumping RAM contents on Win NT / 2000

From: George M. Garner Jr. (gmgarnerat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 11:11:24 PST

  • Next message: Dominique Brezinski: "Re: Dumping RAM contents on Win NT / 2000"

    >>You can write a simple C program that opens the file
    >>and uses the C runtime read() call to read the contents...<<
    This statement is not correct.  On *nix platforms there is a file object
    named "/dev/kmem" may be opened to read a logical view of physical
    memory.  The Win32 dd port available at uses the file object idiom
    (\\.\PhysicalMemory) in the *presentation* layer because that is what dd
    users are likely to expect.  Physical memory is not accessible via a
    file object on Windows platforms, however.  The kernel-mode object
    /Device/PhysicalMemory is a section object, not a file object.  Section
    objects may be *mapped* into a process's virtual address space, not read
    like a file.
    This distinction is important because the method has certain known risks
    and limitations that should be understood before attempting to dump
    physical memory using my dd port or other tools that dump "physical
    memory" from a user mode process using the memory or section mapping
    api's.  In particular, you should familiarize yourself with the risks
    associated with processor TLB corruption on the x86 platform.
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