Use of Backup tapes in forensics investigation

From: Ricci Ieong (ricciat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 19:53:49 PST

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    Hello All,
    In current investigation process, it is very likely that we need to search 
    for some information from the victim machine. However, cloning of machines 
    especially the mainframe machine is very difficult. Is it possible that 
    backup tape be used as the data source in forensics investigation?
    1. Is there any difficulty or issues if we use backup tape instead of 
    directly cloning the hard disk? I understand that there may be chances 
    that the attacker can place some hiddening information in the hard disk 
    which can't be cloned, but other than that, is there any issues?
    2. Among the backup media and solution, is there any common scheme for 
    backup across different Unix platform? 
    3. Where can we find any useful information about various backup utilities?
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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