RE: How to DD NTFS?

From: Timothy Poole (tpooleat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 05:01:11 PST

  • Next message: Susan Chan Lee: "How to DD NTFS?"

    DD doesn't care what filesysytem is on the device you are imaging.  Point it
    either at the raw device or the partition in question and image away.
    Linux does support NTFS but (at least in Red Hat's case) the ntfs.o module
    is not installed by default.  You can reconfigure your kernel and recompile
    to add the support.  Once you have done that, do an "insmod ntfs" then
    specify "-t ntfs" in your mount command.
    The linux ntfs drivers are the result of many hours of hard work and reverse
    engineering (prompting the current MS lawsuit), however I have personally
    seen it miss information on a drive.  DD imaged the drive fine, but the NTFS
    driver did not display certain directories, etc.  Therefore you may want to
    verify any critical findings with another technique, and do a cursory check
    with another tool just to make sure you haven't inadvertently missed
    I hope this helps,
    Timothy Poole, RHCE
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Susan Chan Lee [mailto:susan.leeat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 6:31 AM
    To: forensicsat_private
    Subject: How to DD NTFS?
    Hi - Happy New Year to All.
    We all know how to dd a Ext2,3 Fat filesystems from Linux, but can
    anyone advise how to dd a NTFS partition. My question is 2 fold:
    1. From Linux, I am unable to mount the NTFS partitions, so how do I
    know which /dev/hda* is NTFS etc..
    2. If I make a guess and dd /dev/hda4 (which happens to NTFS), how to
    mount later? As Linux does not recognise NTFS
    3. Any suggestions how to dd NTFS when the system does not have Linux
    installed, nor do you want to install Linux (or any UNIX for that
    Thanks for any help
    Susan Chan Lee
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