Re: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files

From: Nexus (
Date: Sun Feb 02 2003 - 08:01:10 PST

  • Next message: ^Shadown^: "Re: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Clifford Thurber" <cliffordat_private>
    > Why would you pull the plug? Wouldnt using "shutdown" be sufficient to
    write out in memory data blocks back to disk. I would think you could image
    it before you shutdown the machine and then of course image after you ran
    shutdown for a more complete picture. Maybe "pull the plug" is not to be
    taken literal but I think you have to be careful with your diction on list
    that pertains legal issues, eividence etc.
    As I mentioned in my original email, the problem with using 'shutdown' or an
    equivalent is that something may be watching for it.   It makes no odds if
    you use your own "known good" binary when there is a LKM or other kernel
    level shim in there looking for a shutdown and then fragging the drive
    before it does the shutdown.   Poof! goes your evidence, hence my question
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