RE: Raspuns: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files

From: Larry Seltzer (larryat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 07:16:28 PST

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    Or in Windows Explorer (at least in Windows XP Pro, which I'm running now) add file
    attributes to the list of columns in the file display and encrypted files will show an
    'E'. (To add attributes right-click the column titles and select 'Attributes').
    -----Original Message-----
    From: LupulDacic [mailto:scoril02002at_private] 
    Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 1:37 AM
    To: Christopher Howell; forensicsat_private
    Subject: Raspuns: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files
    there is a tool called "efsinfo" in Win2k Resource kit. It does just that, ie displays
    the encryption staus for the files in the curent folder.
    Best regards,
    -----Mesaj original-----
    De la: Christopher Howell [mailto:howellcat_private]
    Trimis: January 29, 2003 12:23 PM
    Catre: forensicsat_private
    Subiect: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files
    Does anyone know a slick way to find encrypted files on a running Win2K/XP machine?  If
    I am tasked with seizing one, and find it on and logged in, it would be nice to be able
    to identify files encrypted with Windows before I pull the plug.  It seems to me the
    only way to do it is to view the attributes in Windows Explorer - but short of clicking
    down through the whole tree, I don't see how to find encrypted files that are in
    non-encrypted folders or a level or two down...
    Anyone with ideas on this?
    Christopher Howell
    State Investigator, ACCCI, ACCFT
    New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice
    Computer Analysis and Technology Unit
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