I'm having an image problem...

From: James (securityat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 13:40:21 PST

  • Next message: James.Holleyat_private: "Re: I'm having an image problem..."

    I've got a small hard disk (formated size appears to be 4.0GB) which has been 
    imaged using a direct copy (Vogon Software).  I took md5 checksums of the 
    images from the CD and subsequently my working copies and this was my result.
    edfb2ada75005b94bcf134042f5e17c7	HARDDISK1.IMG
    c5c26baffd60cbbee4bc8791073a0d53	HARDDISK2.IMG
    3188e0711d34a2f8fa84a2646f6eb4dd	HARDDISK3.IMG
    3188e0711d34a2f8fa84a2646f6eb4dd	HARDDISK4.IMG
    3188e0711d34a2f8fa84a2646f6eb4dd	HARDDISK5.IMG
    3188e0711d34a2f8fa84a2646f6eb4dd	HARDDISK6.IMG
    4fd77daee2cea99fd4d6da618f26b20c	HARDDISK7.IMG
    These checksums match those obtained from the copies on the hard drives, but 
    we can see that numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 are identical. Looking more closely at 
    these I find that they basically full of zeros and nothing else. The final 
    drive in the series (number 7)  however does have files. The blank section 
    extends from about 2/3 of the way through disk 2 to 1/2 way through disk 7. 
    The disk is formatted with FAT32 which from my understanding would normally 
    have alternating pages/sectors of 00 and FF not all 00, is this correct?
    I was looking for some pointers as to what processes may have taken place to 
    put the drive in this condition:
    [SYSTEM FILES + USER FILES, appears partially defragged, data begins to thin 
    out as we approach the blank clusters in a fashion suggesting the drive was 
    defragged about a month before seizure]
    [LARGE BLANK AREA all bytes set to 00]
    If the disk had been arranged with system files near the beginning and user 
    files at the end I would find this more believable. An analysis of the 
    registry for installed programs shows no third party disk utilities, leaving 
    only stand alone utilities, software since removed, or events after the disk 
    was imaged as causes of this effect. However other computers seized along 
    which this one have various Norton Utilities installed, but none of the other 
    images contain anything like this.
    Any help with the possible drive geometry or the possible cause of this effect 
    would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance
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