Imaging Win2k with dd

From: Pearse Mc Kiernan (pearse_mckiernanat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 11:58:20 PST

  • Next message: David LaPorte: "Re: Imaging Win2k with dd"

    I am trying to image my Win2k box (RAID 5 across 3 disks) with dd.
    I type the following
    dd if=\\.\C: of=D:\images\DriveC.img
    and I get the following
    dd: \\.\C:: invalid argument.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction as where to look also I have 
    tried it with the Volume{xxxxxxx} syntax and still get the same. But I was 
    able to dd a disk in the CD-ROM with no problems.
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