Future of indexing in Autopsy and Sleuthkit

From: Paul Bakker (bakker@fox-it.com)
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 01:21:59 PDT

  • Next message: Simson L. Garfinkel: "Re: Future of indexing in Autopsy and Sleuthkit"

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    As some people may already know, I am in the process of adding an Indexed Search feature to Autopsy and Sleuthkit, which are Open Source filesystem forensic tools.
    I have some issues that concern these additions and I would like to get community members' opinions on some of these. So anyone who is using Autopsy/Sleuthkit or just wants to give his/her opinion: Feel free to give your opinion and let me know if I should or should not implement these features/issues.
    Issue 1:
    I think it is advisable to limit the indexed character range to only alphanumeric characters instead of the current limitation of all printable ASCII characters. The consequences are the following:
     - POSITIVE: The size of the used index files is smaller (Now it's the size of the strings file of an image) Which is quite huge if you have just copied a 80 Gb partition.
     - NEGATIVE: Indexed Searching on other characters will not be possible anymore.
     - POSITIVE: It will be easier to search for substrings of words, which is not yet possible at the moment. (It is possible in both versions, but will take a huge extra space if used on the original charachter range)
     - POSITIVE: Searching will be even quicker.
    Issue 2:
    Human readability of the files. A speedup in the indexed searching process and a redeuction of the size of the used files can be accomplished by changing the format of the index files. The consequence is that these cannot be read by a human anymore (No more text-format file). The consequences are the following:
     - POSITIVE: Speed of searches is increased
     - POSITIVE: Size of used files is reduces
     - NEGATIVE: Files cannot be checked anymore with the human eye.
    For the moment this are the issues. Maybe more will come..
    - --
    Paul Bakker
    Fox-IT Experts in IT Security!
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