Re: Future of indexing in Autopsy and Sleuthkit

From: Jesse Kornblum (jesse.kornblumat_private)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 06:03:10 PDT

  • Next message: H Carvey: "Posting script, was -> Re: linking a word document to a computer"

    Why not let the user choose the character set to index at runtime? That
    is, the user could choose from options ("ASCII only", "ASCII with @ and
    .", "Unicode French only") etc. By using smaller sets of characters, but
    letting the user pick which one, you can keep the index file small but
    still have the power to search multiple languages?
    SA Jesse Kornblum
    Chief, Computer Investigations and Operations
    Air Force Office of Special Investigations
    DSN 857-1143  Commercial 240-857-1143
    Fax 857-0963  STU-III 857-0965
      email: jesse.kornblumat_private
    siprnet: jesse.kornblumat_private
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