mounted NTFS image. -- no files seen

From: the lepkie (lepkieat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 23 2003 - 09:53:59 PDT

  • Next message: H Carvey: "Re: Data hidden in Word documents"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    Any ideas as to why I can not see files of a mounted ntfs imaage?  The 
    ntfs disk has two partitions (`fdisk -l /dev/hdc`)  I've made an image of
    both partitions (hdc1 hdc5).  I can mount both images but only see files
    in the mounted hdc5.
    If I mount the partition (/dev/hdc1) and cd in the mount 
    point, I see files. Any thoughts on why the dd image does not appear 
    to have files when I issue an ls. 
    My commands: 
    dd if=/dev/hdc1 conv=noerrors of=hdc1.img 
    mount -r -o loop -t ntfs hdc1.img /mnt/hdc1 
    mount -r -t ntfs -o loop /dev/hdc1 /mnt/real 
    ls /mnt/real --> lots of files 
    ls /mnt/hdc1 --> no files 
    strings hdc1.img |less --> lots of data. I see a msword doc. 
    I've also tried rda with --skip-errors which yields the same results. 
    the dd stream reports a read error and continues. rda reports 'no bad 
    Additionally, autopsy doesn't recognize the image either. 
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