Re: [fwd] Firewall Products: Many Not Ready For Prime Time,

From: Christopher Nicholls (chrisnat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 01 1998 - 12:57:59 PST

  • Next message: Adam Shostack: "Re: [fwd] Firewall Products: Many Not Ready For Prime Time,"

    At 10:39 1/04/98 -0500, Jody Patilla wrote:
    >> I think the real problem is in the way the typical MIS manager seems
    >> to view firewalls: one silver bullet that you buy, drop it in place,
    >> and life is good.  I realize not everyone is so naive, but in trying
    >> to wear a consultant's hat for the first part of this year, I've come
    >> to learn some _really_ scary things about the Real World.
    >	I refer to this as the Mojo Bag Theory of Firewall Purchase. The
    >idea is that you buy one and just having it keeps away the evil eye. :-)
    >(Burning incense in front of the firewall may or may not be a "best
    >practice", depending on the particular shaman, er, consultant, that you
    >call in to do the eval.)
    I couldn't agree more. Further, I think one of the most alarming trends
    developing is the movement towards "shrink-wrap firewalls" - buy now pay
    later! If ever there was an item not to be bought off-the-shelf, it's
    security. Maybe one day we will be able to use self configuring f/w
    "..yessiree, just plug in your security policy here Mr Customer... you
    don't have one? Never mind - use our default virtual policy!". Sounds a bit
    like the beginnings of a very interesting 1 April prank...
    But how do you convince the MIS Manager that 1) this is ot a good approach,
    2) you (the consultant) are not just holding the high intelectual ground to
    prevent them from such implementations and 3) IT security is not talismans
    and incense?
    A firewall is not a means unto itself - it is only the proverbial tip of
    the (security) iceberg.
    Christopher Nicholls
    chrisnat_private   ~~~~~~~   chrisnat_private
    m:	0411 454755	
    w:	+61 2 6243 4834	h:	+61 2 6241 2112
    wf:	+61 2 6243 4848	hf:	+61 2 6241 8926

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