VPN Mailing List

From: Tina Bird (tbirdat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 01 1998 - 14:52:02 PST

  • Next message: David Bonn: "Re: [fwd] Firewall Products: Many Not Ready For Prime Time,"

    Hi all -- I've set up a list server devoted to virtual private networks
    (heck, that can't be much more vague than "firewalls," can it?).
    The list's charter follows:
    The VPN mailing list is a forum for the discussion of supporting private
    network connections over public telecommunications infrastructure, 
    such as the Internet.  The list is moderated by Tina Bird.  Appropriate
    postings will relate to all varieties of VPN technology: subscription
    services, in which an organization outsources the maintenance of the 
    VPN system; in-house systems, including both hardware and software
    implementations; security policy issues relating to the use of VPNs 
    as a means of remote access; and legal/regulatory concerns, domestic 
    and international. 
    I've stolen Marcus' policy for the Firewall-Wizards list for this, so
    the same rules of conduct apply.  
    To subscribe, send the command 'subscribe vpn' (without the quotes,
    of course) to majordomoat_private
    and please spread the word to interested parties.  
    thanks -- Tina Bird
    Secure Network Systems

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