RE: TIS Gauntlet : WINS and Exchange

From: Bill_Roydsat_private
Date: Fri Apr 03 1998 - 06:24:08 PST

  • Next message: Lyndon David: "More dns and failover"

    The mapping WINS does is ASCII to Unicode.  ASCII characters are the first
    128 characters of Unicode.
    Windows NT  uses Unicode as its default character set (something MS
    actually did correctly).
    This is true with one exception.  WINS maps each character of the
    NETBIOS name to TWO characters in a really weird way. I guess that they
    did this because the name field in DNS is twice as long as the NETBIOS
    names.  This only becomes a problem if you have to sniff the packets.  I
    have a conversion table that I made for this purpose if you need it.
    RFC1001 and RFC1002 should explain the whole thing.
    > ----------

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