nuqneH, => Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 17:15:34 -0400 => From: Michael Lerperger <mlerpat_private> => Subject: Re: SSH question [dd] => Another, much cleaner way is, of course, to compile ssh with SOCKS => support. Most firewall products will support that, too. One advantage is => that, if configured right on your client, you can transparently use ssh => both to machines inside and outside yor firewalled LAN. I consider SOCKS being the Bad Thing on the firewall due to lack of administration and monitoring features. That's just my opinion but i never use it. Every time i thought i need SOCKS i solved the problem another way. --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Must be a visit from the dead.. _| o |_ | | _|| | / _||_| |_ |_ |_ CU in Hell .......... Arkan#iD |_ o _||_| _||_| / _| | o |_||_||_|
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