
From: -= ArkanoiD =- (arkat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 14 1998 - 14:30:11 PDT

  • Next message: tqbfat_private: "Re: Intrusion Detection"

    Does anybody know what happened to bsd-harden mailing list?
    It seems to be dead for a long time (at least i do not receive anything and
    there are no new messages on the web page archive).
    What code does currently exist?
                                           _     _  _  _  _      _  _
       Must be a visit from the dead..     _| o |_ | | _|| |   / _||_|   |_ |_ |_
       CU in Hell ..........  Arkan#iD    |_  o  _||_| _||_| /   _|  | o |_||_||_|

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