Re: tesrdrop attack

From: tqbfat_private
Date: Fri Apr 17 1998 - 23:40:11 PDT

  • Next message: Joe Ippolito: "RE: ms proxy 2.0 again"

    > Can someone explain to me how teardrop attack works.
    It's a pointer arithmatic problem triggered by the receipt of overlapping
    IP fragments. Essentially, on vulnerable kernels, if you send two
    fragments of an IP packet that overlap, and the second fragment does not
    contain enough data to align properly, the system will compute a "length"
    variable that is less than zero, and then pass it directly to memcpy() as
    a count of bytes to copy from the fragment. The "count" argument to
    memcpy() is unsigned, meaning that the number "-1" is actually a very
    large positive number, and the resulting copy operation causes the system
    to crash.
    Thomas H. Ptacek			     		Secure Networks, Inc.
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------				"mmm... sacrilicious"

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