Re: High ranking lusers

From: Henry Hertz Hobbit (hhhobbitat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 20 1998 - 19:52:06 PDT

  • Next message: Network Security Solutions: "NSS Security Conference Announcement"

    On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Chip Christian wrote:
    > I like the fact that the Big Boss wants to put ftp in the
    > middle of a suid script...  Does wonders for local file
    > permissions.
    That's okay. he can "!sh" out to a shell and chown and chgrp
    them back to the appropriate user and group. ;^)
    Seriously though, why don't they create an ftp group, then
    chgrp ftp ftp
    chmod 550 ftp
    That way anybody who wants to ftp has to be in the ftp group.
    If on older BSD system, one more step to set group first, but
    better than SUID script. I guess what I am saying is that there
    are always alternatives. This is just one of them, and I am NOT
    saying it is the BEST one. I am sure others can think of other
    alternatives here.

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