1998-04-21-09:57:38 Lyndon David: > Yes serial console lines on workstations are not very good. With regard to > the idea of running ppp over the serial console. On a sun box if you send a > break down the console line the box drops to the boot prom. I expect that > there are ways around this behavoir by changing the prom variables. I dunno about the prom; I can't find anything that seems helpful in the variables from /usr/sbin/eeprom on a fairly recent ultra. But I wouldn't expose a serial console to a dialin modem in any case. However Suns have two serial ports, and the _other_ one works OK for dialin. Of course a half-way-decent terminal server (e.g. a simple little Cisco 2511) works _way_ better. For one or two lines of dialin something I like even better is a laptop w/ PCMCIA modem. A Sun lets you do 38kbps modem<==>server; a 2511 lets you do 115kbps. PCMCIA runs at 4Mbps with hardware flow control. That makes the modem<==>host latency just about disappear. Run the modem with compression turned off and the PPP latency ouches as little as practical; not as good as ISDN, but still pretty good.. And if you use a laptop w/ PCMCIA modem(s) in the rack, you get a UPS for free. I _really_ like mjr's suggestion of ssh over PPP w/ ipfw or ipfilter restricting the PPP interface to secure the link. -Bennett
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