Re: Q on external router

From: tqbfat_private
Date: Thu Apr 23 1998 - 17:59:41 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Jeremy: "Re: Q on external router"

    > >	Do not rely on switches because switches are not designed for
    > >security.
    > 	Based on that logic, there's just about nothing you CAN
    > rely on, except death, taxes, and sendmail bugs.
    I don't think that's very fair. It seems obvious to me that some systems
    have more attention paid to them for security (VMailer, for instance) than
    others (like Sendmail). My confidence in VMailer is much greater than my
    confidence in Sendmail, to the point where I'd be willing to consider
    deploying VMailer in circumstances where Sendmail's lack of reliability is
    Same goes for switches and link-layer security.
    Thomas H. Ptacek			     		Secure Networks, Inc.
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------	 "If you're so special, why aren't you dead?"

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