Re: logging questions

From: Emiliano Kargieman (CORE) (ekat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 27 1998 - 14:50:33 PDT

  • Next message: Marc Desrosiers: "RE: ATM security"

    On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, Anonymous wrote:
    [something about a lot of firewalls logging remotely to 2 loghosts]
    > Assuming that all of the firewalls are appropriately configured and that
    > the loghosts are as trusted as anything on our network, Can we be
    > reasonably sure that the logs have not been altered?
    > We realize that we can make no claims about the logs from a given firewall
    > after it is compromised.  But we would like to ensure that the logs from
    > BEFORE the firewall was compromised are accurate.
    There are two cryptographic protocols designed to acomplish this 
    (PEO-1 and VCR), i reccomend you take a look at where you can find the papers describing
    the protocols and an implementation of syslog that uses PEO-1 to guarantee
    that the logs writen to disk before an intrussion weren't modified.
    Emiliano Kargieman

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