Re: Mobile Code Security???

From: John Painter (tjpat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 28 1998 - 23:28:49 PDT

  • Next message: David Collier-Brown: "Re: Network Security Certification"

    At 8:43 PM -0700 4/28/98, Todd Radermacher wrote:
    >I'm curious as to the groups opinion on Java, JavaScript, ActiveX ,
    >or more generally - mobile code secuirty technologies.
    >Are methods for dealing with mobile code to become "standard"
    >features in commerical firewalls?
    >I have been working in this space for over a year now and I'm
    >afraid my perception may be *biased*.  ;-)
    Just in case this wasn't flame bait ...
    They are all evil in terms of users wanting to let them through, and the
    security of the Java VMs is of low utility in a high security high risk
    environment. Active X is worse, even if you have a certificate for
    security, it does not imply testing to assure it is in fact secure/safe.
    Javascript executed on the browser side is a attack vector as well.
    The only relativly safe Javascript is in the Active Server Pages side,
    because the browser only sees HTML, the Javascript (or VBScript) is
    executed on the originating server. On the other hand, if it is your
    server, the MS security setup is a bit warped as you have to set both file
    security and IP service security on NT IIS servers. An error in either can
    affect site security or deny execution of the scripts to everyone. I'd have
    rather seen them actually use the ACL mechanism and expand the capabilities
    to include network filters in the ACLs. The current system is both too
    confusing and too restrictive for good general purpose use. (I'd like to
    associate or deny privledges to a masked IP address selectivly for a site.)
    Also since your defaults affect all virtual domains in some security areas
    and not others ...
    It's an adventure. I'd be more down on this, but a portion of our business
    is knowing the answers to securing commerce site on NT, so I can't get too
    down on MS security.
    Mobile code in general needs to be filterable at the firewall for high
    security installations. The backchannel of information flow out of the site
    is too great a possability.
    Strive to always know the right question for any answers you get.
    John Painter, <mailto:tjpat_private>

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