Re: Mobile Code Security???

From: Marcus J. Ranum (mjrat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 29 1998 - 07:48:24 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Tyrrell: "RE: Lloyds to offer hacker insurance"

    >	 I'm curious as to the groups opinion on Java, JavaScript, ActiveX ,
    >	 or more generally - mobile code secuirty technologies.
    Looked at in the abstract, mobile code (which I prefer to call
    "downloadable code") brings us face to face with the problem of
    trusted software distribution and trusting software distributors.
    Neither one of those is a pretty problem and folks in the past
    who have tried to deal with them have spent a lot of money and
    known a lot of pain.
    How is it different, from 30,000 feet, to download a java applet
    from my site and run it, than to download linux and run it? Or
    to buy a copy of Windows NT? In all of those cases, a Bad Guy
    may have planted Bad Code in your software. The difference, when
    you get below 30,000 feet is that you have different amounts of
    trust in the provenance of the code and their coding practices,
    as well as different amounts of belief that you KNOW the origin
    of the code. Is a Windows patch more "trustworthy" if it comes
    from, or from Not really.
    What's going on here is that our expectations are different.
    I don't think, in this area, that our expectations make sense,
    but that's what they are. It's probably because "trust nothing,
    everyone is your enemy" is too mentally and technically
    expensive as a computing model. Most people want to Get The Job Done
    and don't have time or energy to worry about attack applets,
    or Mossad trapdoors in their firewall, or NSA trapdoors in
    Windows NT.
    So, back to 30,000 feet: I like the Java sandbox model. I kind
    of wish I could run general Windows applications in a sandbox.
    Then I wouldn't have to have this dorky virus scanning software.
    At 30,000 feet, my virus scanning software is a patched-in
    sandbox for windows, right? On "real" operating systems, like
    UNIX, the O/S has a sandbox of sorts: file permissions, protected
    devices, virtual address spaces, and a nice clean system call
    boundary that keeps user code out of kernel space. UNIX has had
    its share of flaws in its sandbox, just like the flaws in
    Java's sandbox: weird parameters to certain system calls could
    step on uid values in kernel space, etc.
    I believe the reason that attack applets are scary, while
    trojans in NT are not, is because of the degree of anonymity
    that inherently cloaks the attacker. If there was a trojan in
    NT, there'd be hell to pay. But everyone would be in the same
    boat, so nobody'd point at an individual victim and say "you
    screwed up, you FOOL!" Also, whether it was their fault or
    not, Microsoft would be held accountable. With an attack
    applet, there's no perception of accountability, and the
    victim will usually be unique within their area. I suspect
    that a lot of the fear of attack applets comes from the idea
    that they might get caught from a porn site. Honestly. Let's
    say I am at and my machine suddenly
    blows up. Uhuh. The sysadmin is going to ask "what site did
    you get that from?" and I am going to be hosed. Better just
    reformat the hard disk and say I had a virus. :)
    To get our work done, we have to run code from other people.
    Therefore we are vulnerable. The question is "which other
    people?" The Web, and active content, makes it really easy
    to blur the line. At this point, I think of the problem
    as akin to shark attack. There is a nonzero probability it
    will happen. It's a low probability, on an individual
    basis. If it does happen, it'll Suck Real Bad. But I'll
    either recover or die. :) Which brings me to the best defense
    I can think of: be prepared to resume your business.
    I'm wondering if fast recovery will ever replace security
    or direct defense as an approach to business resumption.
    Anyhow - downloadable content? I think ActiveX is dead/dying.
    Java is in trouble, and Javascript isn't in great shape, either.
    Something else will come along soon and it'll probably have
    lame security, too. :) All things being equal, I wish that the
    browser boys had thought to just download C code, then do an
    on-the-fly compilation and link against a "sandbox" shared
    library. It'd have been easier, every bit as portable, and
    fast. Live'n'learn. I'm waiting for O/S to start having more
    support for SeOS like sandboxes for runtime execution. Then
    the next challenge becomes system management: if managing a
    system is hard, managing a system full of virtual sandboxes
    is harder.
    Marcus J. Ranum, CEO, Network Flight Recorder, Inc.
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