RE: Lloyds to offer hacker insurance

From: Massimo Brogioni (brogioat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 30 1998 - 02:49:52 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Brenton: "Re: non-IP firewalls"

    > > all at once. I don't see how Lloyds can calculate the odds of loss
    > > from an exposure they don't even know exists. At least we're pretty 
    > Never underestimate statistics!   ;-)
    > What we are really talking about here is a lack of actuarial data in 
    > regards to computer security (break-in stats).  What we are lacking is the data 
    > that says "if you employ security technique X - your risk of breach is Y".
    The problem is not the lacking of statistics, but the floating of 
    this statistics!
    As soon a new bug is known and the exploit is released the 
    probability of a break-in is very high, but this probability will 
    become low as soon the patch is released.
    Would we see Lloyds change its premiums few times in a week ?
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