RE: Multi-media friendly Firewalls

From: carsonat_private
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 07:56:08 PST

  • Next message: Staggs, Michael: "RE: Multi-media friendly Firewalls"

    OK, I just can't resist such an easy target. For those of you who
    don't know me, I ported the firewall toolkit to Solaris 2.x many moons
    ago, and have been dealing with Gauntlet for quite some time. Despite
    everything I say below, I have yet to find a better product that has
    source code available and can be configured sans GUI. I just wish I
    didn't have to fight the broken !@#$%%^ software so much to get work
    >>>>> "Staggs" == Staggs, Michael <Michael_Staggsat_private> writes:
    Staggs> stuff we have all grown used to (lazy) and the UNIX flavors still have the
    Staggs> option to edit .conf files and netperm tables should you feel more
    Staggs> comfortable with direct editing.
    And are willing to reverse-engineer the undocumented config file formats.
    Staggs> muliple fw policy console management, a long legacy of NO exploits and an
    *snort* *giggle* You _are_ joking, right? Shall I point out the buffer
    overflows in the old smap code? I'm sure I still have 4.0a source
    around. As of 5.5, the most egregious of the wretched code has been
    fixed, but there's more to do (I mean, really, y'all _still_ can't
    manage to get signal handling right? Sheesh).
    Staggs> intrusion detection/response capability and it is a rock solid performer. 
    Except when your kernel mods panic the boxen. Or randomly drop rules. Or...
    Staggs> I work as an eng for NAI, so my opinion is biased, obviously. Check out the
    Performance is decent, if you have big enough iron. Documentation and
    managability are both fairly bad (assuming you have more than one box
    and need to do anything at all interesting). Code quality was
    horrendous, and is now merely bad. Given a few more revisions and
    another dozen or so patches from me and others and we might even get
    it to mediocre.
    Carson Gaspar -- carsonat_private carsonat_private carsonat_private
    Queen Trapped in a Butch Body

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