segmentation fault

From: Robert Stringer (stringer32at_private)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 10:37:01 PST

  • Next message: Perry van Vliet: "how to set up a tunnel between Raptor and Firewall-1"

    We try to restore a gauntlet config from the floppy (coming from the 
    production) with the utility "gauntlet-admin" and it works but we receive an 
    error message during the process: "Segmentation fault core dumped".
    Here's what we did:
    >From the main menu, we chose "System operation", "Restore from floppy" and 
    finally "Quit and update configuration".
    This is where the problem occurs: just before the prompt "Rebuild system 
    configuration?" we received the message "Segmentation fault".
    Is there anyone have an idea of the problem?
    Is the config on floppy corrupted? We tried with an other floppy (taken 
    about three months ago) from the same firewall but we have the same problem.
    We run Gauntlet version 4.2 on a Solaris 2.6 Ultra 5.
    Note: we have three more firewalls and we restored their config too and 
    everything works fine.
    Thank you
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