Re: Frame PVC encryption options?

From: Bill Pennington (billpat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 15:36:50 PST

  • Next message: Jerald Josephs: "Re: Nokia/Checkpoint firewall"

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    You might want to check out VPNet at I believe they have a
    unit that does this. Plus they have an export license for 3Des so you
    should not have any export issues.
    Paraic OCeallaigh wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Just wondering if anyone has recommendations for encryption between
    > Cisco routers on a Frame PVC?
    > We have a number of banking clients on a frame relay network who are
    > asking about encrypting traffic on their cisco 2500s for added seucrity
    > Regards,
    > Paraic OCeallaigh
    > Technical Solutions
    > Cognotec Ltd
    > Dublin
    Bill Pennington
    IT Manager
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    You might want to check out VPNet at I believe they have
    a unit that does this. Plus they have an export license for 3Des so you
    should not have any export issues.
    <p>Paraic OCeallaigh wrote:
    <blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi,
    <br>Just wondering if anyone has recommendations for encryption between
    <br>Cisco routers on a Frame PVC?
    <br>We have a number of banking clients on a frame relay network who are
    <br>asking about encrypting traffic on their cisco 2500s for added seucrity
    <p>Paraic OCeallaigh
    <br>Technical Solutions
    <br>Cognotec Ltd
    <br><a href="">></blockquote>
    Bill Pennington
    IT Manager
    <A HREF="">></pre>

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