Re: firewall subdomain naming schemes

From: Mikael Olsson (mikael.olssonat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 02:02:11 PST

  • Next message: Shaun Moran: "RE: Routing IP Multicast Across FW1 firewall"

    lewst wrote:
    > Hostnames don't provoke attacks.
    Yes they do. If the Bad Guys(tm) have a list of known bugs
    in different OS/es (very common) and want to attack you,
    they'll instantly know what machines to target if you've
    added OS types to their names.
    Also, if you designate names based on department (house
    names and floor numbers maybe be back tracked to departments,
    right?) the Bad Guys will also know where to hit if they're
    interested in certain pieces of data, rather than having go
    through every single machine there is.
    Knowing where to hit and how to hit decreases the risks
    of tripping IDSes or ending up in logs, which makes you
    a more attractive target, should you provide info to make
    this possible.
    ... 'nuff rambling from me :-)
    Mikael Olsson, EnterNet Sweden AB, Box 393, S-891 28 ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK
    Phone: +46 (0)660 105 50           Fax: +46 (0)660 122 50
    Mobile: +46 (0)70 248 00 33
    WWW:        E-mail: mikael.olssonat_private

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