Re: CBC mode 3DES example.

From: Antonomasia (antat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 09:17:57 PST

  • Next message: Ben Nagy: "RE: Cisco configuration question"

    Lisa Nguyen <lnguyenat_private>
    > I am looking for an example of  the Cipher Block Chaining mode for 3DES
    > to verify my design.
    From: Werner Koch <wkat_private>
    > Wow,
    > what a thread for such a simple question.  What I found iut is, that
    > there probably no official testvectors and therefor add the ones used
    > by SSLeay to my implementation.
    The thread he refers to covers Duff's device and the reasons why 3DES
    requires separate testing even when you have a correct DES implementation.
    If you really want to read the thread you can start here.
    mail -s coderpunks arcbotat_private << !
    get 19990902092306.d15704at_private
    month sep1999
    # Antonomasia   antat_private                      #
    # See                        #

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