Re: Recent Attacks

From: Terry Lee Moore (tlmoor2at_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 13:02:03 PST

  • Next message: Robert Graham: "RE: Automated IDS response"

        My apologies to Ryan Russell and Macus J. Ranum and anyone else if I
        I tend to think that, similar to what ISO 9000 does, these latest
    exploits tend to show us where our network weaknesses are and what needs
    fixing.  I don't mean to excuse anyone.  I want the culprits punished.
    But the key word is survivability.  What can be done to make the network
    more survivable?
    Punishing them with litigation makes the physche feel better, but the
    hole in the network still exists and the next guy to exploit it may be
    looking for much more from all of us.  If I read correctly, we will
    always have vandals.  What we need to do is punish them in a way
    appropriate, identify what the "real" problems are, and then try to
    bring the "good guy" community together to plug the holes.
        What's the best way to do that?
    --                    Terry
    Terry Lee Moore                         tlmoor2at_private
    Systems Administrator                   303-541-6737 voice
    U S WEST, Advanced Technologies         303-405-9914 pager

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