RPC, Portmapper binding and firewalls

From: Marcelo Barbosa Lima (marcelo.limaat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 21:30:32 PST

  • Next message: Don Kendrick: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    Hi all,
    I am working with stateful packet filters and I'd like to know about RPC
    RPC normal communication sequence is:
    Client -----------------> POrtmapper
    Portmapper -----------> Client
    Client ----------------> Server
    Server----------------> Client
    All right !
    Yes, but at one second client 's query:
    Client look for portmapper server binding in its cache and (Do it look for
    client ------------> server
    server-----------> client
      Cache expires
     client-------------> Portmapper
      portmapper---> Client
      Client-----------> server
      Server-------> client
    Is it ok??????
    What is timeout of these bindings in client's cache for NFS clients, in this
    last case (if true, of course)?

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