Re: Recent Attacks

From: Philip J. Koenig (pjklistat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 13:51:22 PST

  • Next message: Lance Spitzner: "RE: Recent Attacks"

    On 16 Feb 00, at 10:40, David LeBlanc boldly uttered: 
    > At 10:59 PM 2/15/00 -0800, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
    > >You mean Mitnick?  As far as I can see, the figures that were thrown 
    > >around supposedly putting a price tag on the 'damage' he did were
    > >pure unfounded fantasy.
    > That's what happens when you damage someone.  All of a sudden, the worn out
    > car you'd sell for $1000 becomes a well-maintained collector's item worth
    > at least $5000.
    Trumping up your damages to make your loss appear bigger and
    the punishment higher is unethical.  Judges routinely throw
    such drivel out of court. (except in hacking cases, it appears)
    > I agree with Marcus - once the vandals are caught, they ought to sue them
    > back into the stone age.
    It would be hard to argue with any credibility that Mitnick did
    much damage to his "victims".  On the other hand, the damage and
    loss of business suffered by the major sites as a result
    of the recent DoS attacks is tangible and easily quantifiable.
    (if you assume those who wanted to buy something during the 
    attack will never return and try again)
    There is of course the question of how much blame a site should
    take themselves by not being well-enough secured.  The recent
    type of DoS attacks are hard to defend against. (or at least 
    hard to track down the perpetrator) 
    On the other hand, if you have buggy old sendmail or imap or 
    ftp daemons on your system and they're open to the world, I have 
    a hard time feeling sympathetic when you try to throw all the 
    12-year-olds in jail that are capable of exploiting you.

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