RE: Recent Attacks

From: Staggs, Michael (Michael_Staggsat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 10:50:13 PST

  • Next message: blyonpopat_private: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    I could not agree more. Punishment is most effective when it is immediate,
    impersonal and no negotiation involved. This is especially true when the
    "class" (or lack thereof) of this type of DoS attacker is the
    braggart/vandal. These are juveniles, regardless of age, who have yet to
    associate behavior with consequence. Only by swift and merciless pursuit
    will the message be driven home to these vandals and their ilk. Real damage
    in the form of immediate and long term revenue/capital loss has been
    suffered by the victims. What could be more fitting than real and just
    damage to the perps?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Don Kendrick [mailto:donat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 7:02 AM
    To: Marcus J. Ranum
    Cc: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: Re: Recent Attacks
    Yeap, that what we just finished doing in Virginia. Had a copycat come after
    us Sunday morning. Tracked him down within 2 hour of the attack and he was
    sitting in jail within 24 hours of the attack for felony computer trespass.
    Hit em hard and fast.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Marcus J. Ranum <mjrat_private>
    To: Ryan Russell <ryanat_private>; hndat_private <hndat_private>
    Cc: firewall-wizardsat_private <firewall-wizardsat_private>
    Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 7:38 PM
    Subject: Re: Recent Attacks
    >Ryan Russell wrote:
    >>I expect to see ransom demands (either the real attackers or just
    >>opportunists) become announced to the press any time now.
    >That'd be interesting because it'd clear up the issue of motivation!!
    >I've always been bemused by the whole denial of service thing. It
    >seems so pointless. It's just vandalism; not even as cool as virus
    >writing, and virus writing is very uncool.
    >If I was Bezos, I'd offer some options for whoever
    >turned in the culprit and sufficient evidence. Then I'd litigate
    >the culprit back to the stone age, including his friends, parents,
    >business associates, school, etc. - anyone involved. Crush 'em
    >real hard, real mean, and real openly.

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