Re: Recent Attacks

From: Ryan Russell (ryanat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 20:35:02 PST

  • Next message: Don Kendrick: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, David LeBlanc wrote:
    > It is all a matter of usage.  If I use a hammer to build a building, I get
    > paid.  If I use it to smash windshields, I get thrown in jail.  There isn't
    > any law against checking security of your own systems.  There is a law
    > against breaking into other people's systems.  At least ISS made a good
    > faith effort to keep the Scanner's licensing such that it at least slowed
    > the crackers down for a while before they could use it.  That's more than I
    > can say for several other auditing tool vendors.
    Then you think Mixter doesn't deserve punishment, or he does and ISS
    doesn't because IS is a "good" tool?  A few other folks say Mixter
    deserves ...well, something.. they're not specific.  We don't even know
    for sure his stuff was used.  We also don't know the attacker didn't use
    IS to break into the zombie systems.  I've used IS to break into other
    people's systems.  It works real well.
    > This really has nothing to do that I can see with the current discussion.
    If you advocate harsh penalties for malicious "hackers", and then you
    happen to get classified as one due to some idiotic legal wording, where
    does that leave you?  My example is an attempt to personalize the
    situation for the readers of this list.
    > >How about releasing the "firewall" toolkit full of holes?  
    > I have no idea what you're talking about.  fwtk?  ISS' 'firewall scanner'
    > stuff?
    That's a poke at marcus.
    > >$100M
    > >each?
    > I hope you're joking.  If so, you should have put <g> liberally.
    It should be obvious that I wouldn't seriously advocate an action against
    people who release tools of any sort, buggy or otherwise.  
    However, say it was discovered that the attackers were using ISS's
    Internet Scanner.  Let's say the feds get away with nailing him with 1.2B
    or more in damages.  Wouldn't that leave a nice path open for suits
    against Mixter and ISS?  Wouldn't 10% of the damages (or a little less) be
    a reasonable amount to nail them with?  Especially ISS who actually has
    the money?
    Be careful about advocating huge amounts of damages, especially if you
    work in the security industry.  There are a lot of scary laws up for vote
    right now, and not a lot of sympathy for anyone who wants to use the title
    "hacker" for anything.

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