Clarification of $1.2B Capital "Loss"

From: Roger Nebel (RNebelat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 13:44:45 PST

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "the expensive way to do DDoS ?"

    I resisted pointing this out earlier but it keeps coming back up.  The
    study quoted said that "as much as" $1.2B of market capitalization may
    be lost.  So-called market cap is not lost business.  Market cap = the
    stock price * the number of shares outstanding.  A $10 stock price with
    a million shares outstanding = $10m market cap.  So, it was estimated
    that total market cap may drop by up to $1.2B because investors would
    lose confidence in the Internet economy and sell shares driving the
    price down according to the law of supply and demand.  Who loses in this
    scenario?  The shareholders and investors do, pension funds, IRAs,
    401(k)s, etc.  In other words, you and I.  

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