RE: Linux Proxy Server ?

From: Troy Henley (tghat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 10:37:05 PST

  • Next message: O'Shea, Dave: "RE: Linux Proxy Server ?"

    Thank you,  Squid and Freshmeat sound like interesting enough names to
    investigate !  I will check them out to see if I can find a simple\cheap
    proxy solution.  Thanks
    -----Original Message-----
    From: O'Shea, Dave [mailto:dave.osheaat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 1:37 PM
    To: 'Troy Henley'; firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: RE: Linux Proxy Server ?
    Red Hat 6.0 includes Squid, a pretty impressive proxy server with good cache
    support. It can be set up for fairly basic use without much effort. more
    info at or you can go someplace like and look at a half dozen alternatives, some
    significantly simpler.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Troy Henley [mailto:tghat_private]
    Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 8:51 AM
    To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: Linux Proxy Server ?
    Hi, I am interested in setting up a proxy server for our office network.
    Because of the low cost of Linux, I was interested in using it as a proxy
    server.  Could anyone provide me with concerns and obstacles to look our
    for in this project?  Is Linux a good solution for a proxy server?
    Does anyone know of a URL or step-by-step guide to setting up Red-Hat or
    some other distribution of Linux as a proxy server?  Thank you very much !
    Troy Henley

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