Re: patternmatch for scan

From: Anthony DeBoer (adbat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 10:57:07 PST

  • Next message: Rick Ballard: "Re: patternmatch for scan"

    <kenneth_w_foxat_private> writes:
    > Is anyone familiar with an attack or probe which begins or ends with scanning
    > only ports 3128 & 8080 on a target box? I've been seeing alot of this lately
    > in various places.
    3128 is Squid (, and 8080 is a popular alternate
    port for HTTP and/or web proxies, so somebody's apparently looking for
    There was a problem awhile back with RedHat shipping a cache-manager CGI
    tool enabled by default.
    Also see for info about
    a trojan that scans those ports.
    Anthony DeBoer <adbat_private>

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