Local app across packet filtering cisco

From: Andy Bach (rootat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 13:16:47 PST

  • Next message: K. Graham: "Re: the expensive way to do DDoS ?"

    Hi Folks,
    We have a db mirroring client/server app that we'd like to run across to 
    the DMZ side of our firewall.  If I'm understanding all this correctly, 
    we've got the outside world coming in through a firewall (firewall 1, I 
    believe) then via a frame-relay cloud to a local box.  That box is 
    connected via a Cisco router which is allowing only http, netbios and 
    passive ftp between it and the 'inside'.  The firewall is, again, I 
    believe, allowing only http into the frame relay cloud (all this is setup 
    on a nat'l managed level, so details are few and hard to get) to our 
    local box, which is to provide access to a local box w/ a copy of the 
    database on it.  The setup now uses a nightly transfer, via passive ftp, 
    of the dbs, but we do have have an app that allows mirroring.  So, my 
    question is; what's the risk, concerns etc of telling that app to use 
    port 80 and running it across the Cisco?  What would be the possibilities 
    of opening a different port and using ACLs to limit that port to the 2 
    machines we know to be involved?  Is there a better way?
    Thanks for any hints and sorry if I'm mangling any of the terminolog etc.
    Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler     	    CC:Mail andy bach at ~7ca-chicago
    Internet: andyat_private    VOICE: (608) 264-5178 ex 5738, FAX 264-5105
          If one studies too zealously, one easily loses his pants.
                    -- A. Einstein.

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