Re: snooping

From: Marcus J. Ranum (mjrat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 19:29:50 PST

  • Next message: Cliff Rayman: "Re: patternmatch for scan"

    Robert Graham wrote:
    >--- "Hans W. Rosen" <rosenat_private> wrote:
    > > I have discovered somebody snooping my harddrive leaving the identity
    > > .  This is not the first time by this party and if I see 
    > it one
    > > more time I will turn you in to Senator Toricelli who is very interrested
    > > about such criminal conduct.  This is a warning and I prohibit such 
    > invasion.
    >I'm surprised this got by the moderator.
    It was a tough call deciding whether to filter it or not. It was
    marginal, in content, but interesting and illustrative. In the future
    I will refrain from pushing such postings through.

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