Better SYN flood protection? (Was: Client puzzle protocol)

From: Mikael Olsson (mikael.olssonat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 02:20:25 PST

  • Next message: Bruce Nearon: "NetMax thin series firewall"

    Seeing that most people take a look at the "client puzzle protocol"
    and say "but this doesn't solve anything?!" I thought I'd take
    the opportunity to (re)introduce an idea of mine.
    I mentioned this three months ago, but noone seemed interested.
    This time around, I took the time of explaining WHY this is 
    a good idea, so read on...
    Why do we need a better SYN flood protection 
    than the current SYN cookies?
      Current SYN cookies are carried in the sequence number
      field, which makes for great compitability with all
      implementations of TCP. 
      However, this small field is unable to carry all 
      desired information, which either makes for loss of 
      functionality, or RAM usage on the server side, the 
      latter being exactly what we wanted to avoid by using 
      SYN cookies. 
      Also, using the sequence number field to carry extra
      information makes for a smaller random space of the 
      TCP ISNs, which in turn makes TCP blind spoofing easier.
      In this document, I propose a new standard for implementing
      SYN cookies using a TCP option. This enhancement does not
      break any existing TCP functionality, but acts as a helper
      during SYN flooding attacks. It enables the connection 
      terminator (server / firewall) to remember ANY data from 
      half-open connections while still consuming NO RAM whatsoever.
    Why am I mailing this here rather than to the IETF?
      1) Because I think this may be hard to introduce 
      without some backup.
      2) Because this is more of a firewall issue than a 
      host issue. SYN flood prevention in a firewall
      protecting a large network is VERY expensive in
      terms of RAM usage if one is to do it right.
    The Issue
      Upon receipt of a SYN packet, we don't want to use local
      resources to remember it; there is no way of knowing whether
      it is legit or part of a SYN flood
      The ideal situation would be to be able to respond with a SYN+ACK
      packet, and completely forget about original SYN packet.
      This is not possible today, since there are a number of things
      that we'll need later on in the connection, such as the proposed
      MSS, SACKPERMIT, WSOPT information, etc ...
      The SYN cookie schemes of today utilize the sequence number field
      to send information to the connection originator; this works since
      we know that that information is passed back to us unchanged later
      on. The problem is that the MSS/SACK/WSOPT info must be remembered 
      locally, still consuming local resources, albeit not as much as
    New proposed solution
      Enter, stage right, two new TCP options:
      TCPOPT_NECHO and TCPOPT_NECHOREPLY.  *clap* *clap* *clap*
      I'd propose that TCPOPT_NECHO could be used in the SYN+ACK packet
      to transmit all the data that the connection terminator would want 
      echoed from the connection originator; this is the same data that
      we otherwise would have to store in RAM for the half-opened connection.
      The connection originator would then respond with a TCPOPT_NECHOREPLY 
      containing all the data received in the NECHO, unaltered, in its ACK packet.
      The data in these options, or its length, is NOT defined by any 
      specification, and their use is NOT regulated by any means. All 
      that is required is that a TCP receiving NECHO will take all its 
      data and send out an NECHOREPLY with the same data in its next packet.
      In the option data, we would be able to place all the information
      that our hearts could desire, along with a hash for authentication.
      This data could include MSS information, window scaling, a boolean
      saying whether SACK is in use, etc ...
      As I said earlier, the format of the option data is not specified.
      It does not have to be. Its contents are only meaningful to the
      host sending the NECHO option, and need not be understood by
      anyone else.
      This also leaves an open opportunity to use this option type somewhere
      else in the future. RST cookies, anyone?
    The effects
      In situations where we're short of memory, we can actually
      drop all information related to SYN_RECVD connections, and
      still have everything work when the ACK packet arrives later
      on, with all the information needed to setup the connection 
      contained in the NECHOREPLY option.
    How much does one need to implement
      Connection originators (ie all TCP stack implementors) only
      need to be able to REPLY to NECHO options. They do not need
      to be able to send out NECHOs with SYN cookie information of
      their own.
      Connection terminators (firewalls, servers) need to implement
      the generation of NECHO options and consequent parsing of the
      incoming NECHOREPLY options.
      We achieve everything that SYN cookies were initially intended
      to do, including zero RAM usage for half-open connections.
      This won't help connection originators whose stacks don't reply to
      NECHOs. It also means a bit of work on the TCP stacks around the
      NOTE: My proposed solution does ***NOT*** break today's TCP
      functionality! It is designed as an optional "helper" during
      SYN flooding situations!
    So what's the big idea then?
      My (futile?) hope would be that client side developers start 
      implementing the mechanism to REPLY to NECHO requests; it's 
      low cost, simple, and they don't have to have the first clue 
      as to what it does.
      Connection originators having the REPLY mechanism would benifit 
      by always succeeding in connecting to a server that sends out 
      its SYN cookies inside an NECHO option, even if it is under 
      heavy SYN flooding.
      Connection originators NOT supporting this option would 
      have a hard time getting to such hosts. I would hope that this
      is incentive enough to get TCP stack implementors to incorporate
      the reply functionality in their code.
    Living alongside today's SYN cookies
      It is completely possible to utilize BOTH types of SYN cookies
      on the same server. Hence, when the server runs out of resources
      to handle sequence-number-carried SYN cookies (which work
      regardless of the originator TCP implementation), the
      new option-based SYN cookies would let people with "new" TCPs 
      connect anyway.
    Why "NECHO"?
      There is already an option called "ECHO", see RFC 1072, but its 
      length is assumed to be 6 bytes (4 bytes data). We need more
      than that to be able to relay all information - for future needs.
      The "N" in "NECHO" is simply "New".  
      We could also call it "VECHO", for "Variable (length)"
      One COULD quite conceivably utilize the ECHO option; maybe a lot of
      stacks support it today? I don't know. 
      However, I don't know if it is legal to use in the SYN+ACK packet.
      4 bytes could carry 2 bytes of MSS, 1 byte of window scale, 
      1 bit of SACKPERMIT, and have 7 bits to spare.
      (What about timestamps? I have to go read RFC 1323 again...)
      The whole concept seems kind of .... cramped.
      Maybe one could use ECHO and violate the specification by sending
      more than 4 bytes of data?
    Welpz. Enough rambling and unfounded speculation for one day.
    Some backup that I can hand over to Bellovin et Co? :-)
    Spontaneous applause? :-)
    Mikael Olsson, EnterNet Sweden AB, Box 393, S-891 28 ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK
    Phone: +46 (0)660 105 50           Fax: +46 (0)660 122 50
    Mobile: +46 (0)70 248 00 33
    WWW:        E-mail: mikael.olssonat_private

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