RE: [fw-wiz] Open Source HTTP Proxy for Firewall?

From: Bill Asher (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 06:00:41 PDT

  • Next message: arkat_private: "Re: [fw-wiz] Open Source HTTP Proxy for Firewall?"

    I have a question about your T.Rex firewall, would you be so kind to give me
    the specs of that box.  I'm looking to implement this type of firewall box,
    but I'd like to know what type of machines others are using this on.  ie,
    cpu, ram, harddrive, distro, nics, etc.
    Thank You,
    Bill Asher
    Schultz Design
    IT Manager
    -----Original Message-----
    From: jseymourat_private [mailto:jseymourat_private]
    Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 12:15 PM
    To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: [fw-wiz] Open Source HTTP Proxy for Firewall?
    We're using Gauntlet 4.x on for one of our corporate firewalls.
    We're having a problem with *one* particular web site.  For some
    reason, clients from inside our building trying to use this site are
    running into all kinds of problems.  (The site in question is if anybody's interested.)  Page accesses,
    "hang", etc.  Now I don't know what the problem is with this particular
    site and Gauntlet's HTTP proxy.  Even Netscape 4.76 and wget, running
    on my Sun SPARC Solaris box here at home, with no HTTP proxy, have
    problems with it.  I've asked in comp.infosystems.www newsgroups.  No
    joy.  I got mixed results from a question posted to the gauntlet-users
    mailing list--but no solutions.
    Another one of our sites, using T.REX for a firewall, has no problems.
    (Yet one client in the problem building, when re-config'd to use the
    HTTP proxy in the other building [across our WAN], had problems.  Go
    So what I'd like to do is try replacing http-gw on our Gauntlet
    firewall with another HTTP proxy.  Does anybody know of any Open Source
    HTTP proxies that could be trusted in such a role?  I've looked around,
    but haven't been able to identify a candidate.  I'd try replacing
    http-gw with the generic plug-proxy, but I don't want to lose the
    Active-X and other filtering that http-gw gives us.
    Thanks In Advance,
    Jim Seymour                  | PGP Public Key available at:
    jseymourat_private  |    |
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