Re: [fw-wiz] Open Source HTTP Proxy for Firewall?

From: Josef Pojsl (jpat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 00:34:16 PDT

  • Next message: Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN: "Re: [fw-wiz] Open Source HTTP Proxy for Firewall?"

    the most common open source http proxies are Squid and Apache's
    mod_proxy. However, both are caching proxies in the first
    place and don't include features you are used to from Gauntlet.
    (You mention Active-X filtering explicitely and neither
    Squid nor Apache can filter it, AFAIK.) Moreover, Apache's
    mod_proxy works only with version 1.0 of HTTP protocol (as oposed
    to version 1.1, now widely used) which can lead to problems.
    You may give a try to the http proxy included in T-REX. This
    is Apache mod_proxy with additional security features. Now I cannot
    remember whether it can filter Active-X but I am pretty sure
    that it has some filtering capabilities. Just try to check
    the feature list and then test it.
    Hope this helps,
    On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 01:15:06PM -0400, Jim Seymour wrote:
    > Another one of our sites, using T.REX for a firewall, has no problems.
    > (Yet one client in the problem building, when re-config'd to use the
    > HTTP proxy in the other building [across our WAN], had problems.  Go
    > figure.)
    > So what I'd like to do is try replacing http-gw on our Gauntlet
    > firewall with another HTTP proxy.  Does anybody know of any Open Source
    > HTTP proxies that could be trusted in such a role?  I've looked around,
    > but haven't been able to identify a candidate.  I'd try replacing
    > http-gw with the generic plug-proxy, but I don't want to lose the
    > Active-X and other filtering that http-gw gives us.
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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