Re: [fw-wiz] article on java in infosecurity mag

From: Bill_Roydsat_private
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 15:03:46 PDT

  • Next message: spiff: "Re: [fw-wiz] article on java in infosecurity mag"

    Java's sandbox model is far more secure than Javascript. But we see Javascript
    running on practically every web page so it is very counter productive to
    disallow it through a firewall.  There are really several points:
     1/  All mobile code is a security risk, since it allows code genrated in a
    potentially hostile environment to run on your trusted machine,
     2/ Interpreted mobile code is more dangerous than compiled code because the
    code itself can be manipulated dynamically, preventing proper verification
    before execution (IIS Unicode is an example of this).
    3/ Mobile code should run at least privilege and in a sandbox.
       By looking at the risks, Java is the least dangerous form of mobile code, but
    still not risk free.
    Oh and the Brown Orifice exploit last year belies the statement " more computer
    damage is caused by fire and weather than
    by Web-based hostile Java applets. Even insects cause more damage than Java,
    so why aren't those bugs front-page news, too"
      since it caused many places to spend significant time and resources to upgrade
    their Netscape browsers.
     The authors of Brown Orifice, to their credit, never exploited it and  really
    benefited the user community by demonstrating problem with no maliciousness.
    BUt it does show that, although the Jave model is fairly secure, the
    implmentation is critical.
    "R. DuFresne" <dufresneat_private> on 06/27/2001 17:03:21
     To:      firewall-wizardsat_private                            
     Subject: [fw-wiz] article on java in infosecurity mag        
    Have othere here seen and read the recent article in information security
    The gist of the article boils down to these statments:
    Hostile Java applets are a perfect example of an over-hyped security
    threat that has no basis in reality. For years, we've been warned
    about crackers and unethical Web-site operators surreptitiously placing evil
    Java code on Web servers. The hostile applets would secretly steal or sabotage
    data on the PC of any visiting user. But after six years of warnings, such
    exploits have never materialized.
    Hostile applet attacks remain theoretical for two reasons. First, what few Java
    vulnerabilities have appeared have been fiendishly hard to exploit. And second,
    such an attack would provide little benefit to attackers--e-mail is a much more
    efficient mechanism for spreading hostile code. To put the situation into
    perspective, more computer damage is caused by fire and weather than
    by Web-based hostile Java applets. Even insects cause more damage than Java,
    so why aren't those bugs front-page news, too?
    The FUD surrounding Java is a lesson in the perils of believing everything
    you hear.  To understand why this non-threat has assumed such epic proportions,
    you have to go back to 1995.
    Are folks in the industry changing their stances on the security
    implcations of java these days?
    Ron DuFresne
            admin & senior consultant:
    "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
    eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
    business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                    -- Johnny Hart
    testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!
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