Re: [fw-wiz] Multiple firewalls ruleset bypass through FTP. Again. (CERT VU#328867)

From: Paul D. Robertson (probertsat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 12:25:16 PDT

  • Next message: R. DuFresne: "Re: [fw-wiz] Multiple firewalls ruleset bypass through FTP. Again. (CERT VU#328867)"

    On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Mikael Olsson wrote:
    > The above technique was cooked up by me, <mikael.olssonat_private>, 
    > and I would like to thank ICSA labs for taking the time to verify it 
    > against their certified products in spite of me having no hard evidence 
    > to support my theories.
    I'd personally like to thank Mikael for allowing ICSA Labs to work with 
    the vendors to get the products *fixed* and *tested* prior to this going 
    Mikael was incredibly patient, helpful and most of all interested in 
    fixes.  The reason that firewalls that were originally vulnerable are 
    fixed and at most require an update, instead of a panic attack is due to 
    the way this was reported and handled.  
    All the full-disclosure ranting in the world doesn't stop the fact that 
    we've got fixed products *before* we've got wild attack code.  This does 
    mean that you have to upgrade when your vendor says "time to upgrade," or 
    try to do rush upgrades when CERT advisories come out.  If you can't trust 
    your vendor though, you really ought to think about why you're using that 
    vendor's products in a security context.
    > In closing, this technique can very likely be abused for other protocols
    > that use ephemeral data channels, although I have personally done no
    > research in that area.  Examples of such protocols (exploitable or not)
    > include but are not limited to: IRC DCC, SQL*Net, H.323, SIP, Real Audio,
    > etc ...
    The Labs folks did communicate the fact that this is more of a class of 
    attack issue than an FTP one with the vendors in the Firewall 
    Product Developers Consortium[2].  
    In the Labs criteria, FTP is one of the protocols specifically addressed 
    in the testing and certification criteria, so that's been specifically 
    tested and vendors have been upgraded to maintain certification where it's 
    been necessary.
    FTP is a *darned difficult* protocol to pass well through a firewall.  If 
    you've got a firewall in front of your FTP servers, or indeed any server 
    that does dynamic port stuff, that's absolutely not an excuse for not 
    hardening the servers- these sorts of issues will continue to crop up.  
    [1] I'm not speaking for the Labs, TruSecure owns the Labs, etc.
    [2] Currently certified firewalls, and obviously Clavister's own products 
    don't have this problem.  Non-certified consortium members have at least 
    had the chance to be aware of and fix this if their products had it, I'm 
    not aware of who CERT has notified though.
    Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
    probertsat_private      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."
    probertsonat_private Director of Risk Assessment TruSecure Corporation
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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