Re: [fw-wiz] Variations of firewall ruleset bypass via FTP

From: Paul D. Robertson (probertsat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 19:40:59 PDT

  • Next message: Carson Gaspar: "Re: [fw-wiz] Variations of firewall ruleset bypass via FTP"

    On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Mikael Olsson wrote:
    > I just need to get this out to a bunch of people who might not have
    > understood "the class of attack" issue at hand here. Paul tells me
    > there's quite a few of the usual suspects listening here, so here 
    > goes :)
    I'd like to point out, in case it's not obvious, or for folks who've 
    missed the earlier thread and haven't yet read the archives[1], "class of 
    attack" isn't limited to "class of attack against FTP."  Any protocol that 
    echoes some sort of user-provided input (file name, credentials...) and 
    dynamically opens ports can have issues like this.  I know it's been 
    mentioned before, but we've had a pretty good chunk of new subscribers 
    today and late yesterday, so I want to be sure it's mentioned again.
    > First, just a client side attack scenario as I imagine it:
    > We plant a link or IMG SRC somewhere, or mail it to them.
    > <img src="PORT 1,2,3,4,5,6/bogus.txt">
    >   Client connects to server and logs on normally, then:
    >   Client: CWD PORT 1,2,3,4,5,6\r\n
    >   Server: 200 OK.\r\n       
    >           (with funky ACK field that ACKs "CWD ")
    >   Client: PORT 1,2,3,4,5,6\r\n
    >   Server: 200 Yummy.\r\n
    >   Here's the "problem" for the attack: the client will either
    >   do its own PASV or PORT. A PASV command can possibly be rejected
    >   by the server, but then the client will likely try PORT again.
    >   The question is: what does a vulnerable firewall do? For PORT? 
    >   For PASV? Open TWO states? 
    >   A: Client: PASV
    >      Server: 501 no you don't
    >      Client: PORT 1,2,3,4,123,234
    >      Server: 200 okay
    >   B: Client: PASV
    >      Server: 227 Entering Passive Mode (2,3,4,5,123,234)
    >   Client: RETR bogus.txt\r\n
    > Except for the PORT/PASV command after our first dummy PORT
    > command, this looks very much like legal FTP to me. [1]
    At the risk of re-ranting over FTP, we *really* need to be moving folks 
    away from FTP as a protocl.  HTTP and SCP both at least get rid of the 
    whole data/command channel issue.
    I admit to being a little confused at the first <IMG SRC> tag- do you 
    expect that in an FTP URI's content somewhere (i.e. ftp://something.html), 
    an HTTP URI with and FTP port spec, or is that a valid HTML reference?  
    Also, don't most HTML clients do PASV only?
    One of the things that makes FTP such a bad case is that protecting the 
    server means going to active FTP and protecting the clients means going to 
    PASV mode.  So there's not a natural protection point that allows both to 
    be satisfied.
    Personally, I can't think of anything that would make me want to let my 
    desktop clients do active FTP out from my network.  If I had a real need 
    for active FTP, I'd probably spend my time on an HTTP-based FTP gateway.  
    For the few applications that wanted to do their own active FTP client 
    stuff, I'd be putting major pressure on the application vendor.
    If you've got public FTP servers, and they're behind some sort of stateful 
    filter, you're sort of part of the problem[2], and I have less sympathy.
    As should have been painfully obvious in 2000, FTP has serious issues for 
    stateful filtering.  People who fixed a particular issue still may not 
    have all the issues rounded out, and if they do, the level of code 
    complexity goes up significantly[3].  Prudence therefore would dictate 
    that firewall administrators "fix" this problem the "better" way by not passing 
    it *through* firewalls (browsers have seperate FTP proxy settings, so it's 
    possible to pass it *to* a firewall, then in, rather than *through* it.)
    [2] I almost said "port of the problem," but the bad humo[u]r is reserved 
    for folks who read footnotes ;)
    [3] Which kind of begs the question should firewalls alert on attempts to 
    do partial acks if they're able to detect it?
    Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
    probertsat_private      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."
    probertsonat_private Director of Risk Assessment TruSecure Corporation
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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