Re: [fw-wiz] Variations of firewall ruleset bypass via FTP

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 02:49:59 PDT

  • Next message: R. DuFresne: "[fw-wiz] source search;"

    In some email I received from Mikael Olsson, sie wrote:
    > Darren Reed wrote:
    > > That aside, my view on this is "funky ACKing" may be within the
    > > bounds of legal TCP operation, but it's not what any "nornmal"
    > > FTP client is going to do so throw those packets away.
    > I've been asking myself this question. It applies to IDSes too.
    > (Indeed, I was pondering IDS evasion techniques when I came up with this.)
    > There _is_ in fact a valid use for partial acknowledgments.
    > - Receiving end checks pool of receive window buffers and comes to 
    >   the conclusion that there's plenty free. Sends out RWIN=8192
    > - Sender sees RWIN=8192 and fires off several full-length segments.
    > - Receiver receives segments, but, ACK(tm)! Other sockets snarfed all
    >   the buffers! All we can get our hands on is a measly 512 byte one!
    > At this point, the receiver can either just drop all segments, _OR_
    > grab hold of the 512 first bytes of the first segment, and send out
    > an ACK that only partially acknowledges the first segment.
    Sure it can happen but how often does it really happen ?  For the
    minor convienience of dropping whatever packets and causing a full
    resend, I think I'm happy to discard partial segments.  Given this
    is only currently done for the FTP command channel (and that's hardly
    a massive user of buffering), I'm not concerned.  If it breaks 1 time
    in 100, but the other 99 are secured, that 1 off is a sacrifice I'm
    willing to force.
    > However, IMHO, the same _shouldn't_ have to be true for an attacker that 
    > simply creates file names (without CRLFs in them) via FTP and issues 
    > STAT commands.  I'm thinking that f.i. the latest version of ipf stops 
    > this, but not the version currently shipping with NetBSD?
    I'm not in control of what version ships with NetBSD.  SEP.
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