Re: [fw-wiz] Variations of firewall ruleset bypass via FTP

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 11:34:37 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Robertson: "Re: [fw-wiz] Variations of firewall ruleset bypass via FTP"

    In some email I received from Mikael Olsson, sie wrote:
    > > I'm not in control of what version ships with NetBSD.  SEP.
    > I can't help but parsing all of this as "I don't care that previous 
    > versions were vulnerable.  I don't care that NetBSD is shipping a 
    > vulnerable version.  And I particularily don't give a flying f&ck 
    > that listing ipf as 'Not Vulnerable' means that there's no reason 
    > for distributors to rush out a new version.  It's all Someone 
    > Else's (the users') Problem."
    > Here, I've had to practice this myself on occasion:
    > "I screwed up. I'm only human; it happens. I'm sorry. 
    >  I've done my best to fix the problem: here's the upgrade."
    > Really, take my word for it, it sits a h*ll of a lot better 
    > with most people than "SEP". And, in the long run, it feels
    > a whole lot better too.
    This deserves more treatment than I have given it because I'm
    sure it is a reflection of an attitude people form when they
    have no understanding of roles and responsibilities people have,
    never mind what "software engineering" is, beyond a simple "hack
    on it" mentality.
    As a matter of fact, the version of IPFilter is in NetBSD at any
    one time is generally not something I have any direct control over.
    Someone else IS responsible for keeping it up to date, as is
    appropriate.  Often they actually talk to me about "is now a good
    time" to do an update, etc.  Sometimes I will say "no", sometimes
    I will say "yes".  There are even occasions when they will say no
    to an update because of where the project is with its release
    life cycle and others when I will be the initiator of the upgrade.
    Whatever the case, it's generally something private between the
    principal concerned parties.
    So your reading, of my saying meaning the "someone else" to be the
    users is quite incorrect.  What I said was, literally, quite correct.
    Your ignorance of NetBSD, at many levels, was very evident in this
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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