[fw-wiz] Input requested for second edition of "Firewalls and Internet Security"

From: Steve Bellovin (smbat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 09:08:06 PDT

  • Next message: Marcus J. Ranum: "Re: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall"

    We've just about finished the draft manuscript for the second
    edition of "Firewalls and Internet Security" (this time by Bill
    Cheswick, Steve Bellovin, and Avi Rubin).  Given the tremendous
    change in the market (including both the prevalence of commercial
    firewalls and widespread easy access to open source software),
    we're dropping the appendix that lists useful free software; we're
    replacing it by a list of important sources to monitor for word on
    new holes, major patches, etc.  (We'll put up a draft table of contents 
    on the book's web site some time this weekend.)
    So -- what are your favorite mailing lists, web sites, etc., for
    keeping your systems and networks secure?
    (To answer the obvious question:  we don't yet know precisely when the 
    new book will appear on the shelves.  A lot depends on how much rewriting 
    we'll have to do in response to the technical reviews.  But some time 
    in the spring looks to be a pretty good bet.)
    		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb (me)
    		http://www.wilyhacker.com ("Firewalls" book)
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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