RE: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall

From: Jared Valentine (hiddenat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 21:26:36 PDT

  • Next message: Ofir Arkin: "RE: [fw-wiz] Hunt for VPN devices"

    John Pescatore (VP @ Gartner) wrote a good report/article on just this
    subject.  "Software security is soft security: Hardware is required."  I'm
    sure you can make your own assumptions based on the title of the article.
    :)  The paper is probably one you must pay for @ Gartner, but I was able to
    pull up a cache on it from Google:
    Go to the 2nd link and click on "Cached".  You can find the full text of the
    article.  A direct link to the cached article is here (sorry for the long
    I especially liked the quote:
    "Throwing more security software at a security problem that is caused by the
    essentially insecure nature of software is like going to a blind barber-it
    can only end badly and, more likely than not, bloodily."
    While it is correct that all security comes down to "software" at some
    point, I would argue that hardware is much more secure.  The difference
    between the two is that the hardware manufacturer can build off of a trusted
    base/OS.  They can look at the OS line by line and strip out everything not
    essential for the operating of that firewall.
    A software firewall doensn't enjoy the same operating environment.  It lies
    on top of an inheriently unsecure general purpose operating system (ie;
    Windows), and therefore is subject to all of the vulnerabilities of that
    operating system.
    In recent weeks, bugbear has made the rounds.  Bugbear was quite different
    than many viruses out there in that it disables software firewalls and
    antivirus software.  I'm not recommending that anyone go without a software
    firewall or antivirus, but your best bet defense will be hardware if you
    wish to ultimately rely upon that solution.  This hardware can be an
    external firewall appliance, or a PCI/PC Card firewall device located in the
    With this in light, the future looks interesting with things like
    TCPA/Palladium.  What if you could actually trust the operating system?!
    Jared Valentine
    -----Original Message-----
    From: firewall-wizards-adminat_private
    [mailto:firewall-wizards-adminat_private]On Behalf Of Dominic
    Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:37 AM
    To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall
    Hi to all,
    Given topics discussed here, I am quite sure that this
    was discussed before -- but any updates on the
    proverbial firewall appliance vs software firewall
    'which is better' discussion(aside from the usuals re
    hardened OS, cost, etc.)  Would also appreciate
    comprehensive links so that I can refer to them as
    Thanks a lot!
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