Re:[fw-wiz] Firewall Utilization

From: Brian Ford (brfordat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 15:27:36 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Gill: "[fw-wiz] CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363"

    >After working with a few different companies firewalls, I have found
    >that most are under utilized and often less expensive models could of
    So are you saying that most people should buy smaller, less powerful, less 
    capable, less expensive Firewalls?  If you are lucky and you never get 
    probed or hacked you don't need a Firewall at all.  Right?
    Architecturally, shouldn't the Firewall be a part of your overall network 
    design and thus specified based on a wide variety of factors (more than 
    just average CPU and memory utilization)?  If your Firewall administers 
    policy between a T-1 line and a 10/100 switch then you don't need GigE 
    interfaces.  No?
    I don't know if I see your point here?  Where is this going?
    Liberty for All,
    At 03:49 PM 10/15/2002 -0400, Joe Keegan <joeat_private> wrote:
    >Message: 5
    >From: Joe Keegan <joeat_private>
    >To: Firewall Wizards Mailing List <firewall-wizardsat_private>
    >Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 09:43:22 -0700
    >Subject: [fw-wiz] Firewall Utilization
    >I was curious if anyone would be willing to share the average
    >utilization (CPU/Mem) of their firewalls and the average amount of
    >traffic they deal with.
    >After working with a few different companies firewalls, I have found
    >that most are under utilized and often less expensive models could of
    >sufficed. If you are not willing to share your utilization details,
    >could you comment on your general experience with firewall utilization.
    >Joe Keegan - joeat_private - (408)242-4588
    >SANS GSEC & GCFW, CCSE, CCNA, CCDA, Sun Certified
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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