Re: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall

From: Volker Tanger (volker.tangerat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 00:34:52 PDT

  • Next message: Christopher Hicks: "Re: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall"

    Wohoo - and there is a third category, that falls into the middle of 
    both: it's pre-packed hard&software. Not as closed as classical 
    appliances (SonicWall, WatchGuard, NetScreen, ...), they are sometimes 
    not more than pre-packed PC+software (Nokia/CheckPoint, 
    Pyramid/CheckPoint, Pyramid/Astaro, Celestix/Astaro). Not flesh nor fish.
    For the two other categories - as many before said: the main difference 
    is pre-packed (appliance) vs. pluck-together-yourself. It's the same as 
    with stereo equipment: choose between an integrated all-included 
    boom-box or dedicated pieces wired together. I for myself needed to loop 
    in my mixing desk, recording equipment, PC, etc. - so my music system is 
    composed of dedicated pieces, wired according to my specific needs. No 
    chance to do that with a boom-box (or "integrated hifi system").
    The same applies to appliances vs. "software" - if the appliance does 
    not fit your needs you are out of luck. No way to fudge around it as 
    it's all packed and sealed. OTOH you don't need to know how to work into 
    the internals - as it's all packed and sealed.
    If you need special remote-admin / real-time-log-evaluation / monitoring 
      you probably are better of with a "software". If you (or your 
    customers) are not as tech-savy in the field you're probably safer with 
    a sealed appliance.
    Volker Tanger
    IT-Security Consulting
    discon gmbh
    Wrangelstraße 100
    D-10997 Berlin
    fon    +49 30 6104-3307
    fax    +49 30 6104-3461
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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